Fatima-Zahra Hamil

Fatima-Zahra Hamil

Product Director / Service Designer

Self representing

Fatima-Zahra is a seasoned professional in the fields of consulting, coaching, and product management instruction at Skema.

With over 15 years of experience, she has dedicated herself to tackling Agile and Product challenges.
Her journey has equipped her with a wealth of skills and insights garnered from diverse situations.

She passionately endeavors to support individuals and organizations venturing into the dynamic realm of Product.

As a speaker, Fatima-Zahra brings her expertise to conferences, enriching audiences with valuable perspectives and strategies gleaned from her extensive career.

Fatima-Zahra and Tolulope Ayeni have jointly represented the Product School for France, leading numerous workshops and meetings. Since then, they have continued to share their shared passion for this field with broader audiences.