Rachel Dubois

Rachel Dubois

Senior Agile & Product Coach @Spotify


Some call me an “agile rockstar” 🤘, others a “product powerhouse” ⚡, I prefer « passionate leader » with a knack for getting things done (and having fun while doing it !).
As a Senior Agile Coach and Product Manager at Spotify with 20+ years of experience, I’m here to turn « what ifs » into « Ah Ah » !

I’ve navigated the software industry trenches from the very first Dotcom startups to today key players, as a product champion, a team manager and an agile evangelist. From mastering frameworks like Scrum, Kanban or Lean StartUp to scaling agile, fostering collaborative cultures, I’ve seen it in all places (and done quite a lot!!!). So, when I say I can create environments where teamwork hums, transparency shines, and efficiency breaks records, you can bet on me. But don’t let the process fool you – I’m all about empowering individuals. Think continuous learning, fearless experimentation, and a contagious « can-do » spirit. Witnessing teams unlock their agile lightbulb moments and propel products, teams, and businesses to success? That’s my fuel!

Speaking of sharing the love, I’m a regular speaker at lean agile and product conferences. Think captivating stories, practical examples, and a healthy dose of « been there, failed that and learned this » wisdom.